La mediatrice Lea Baroudi. «La mia cura per il Libano dentro a un teatro»

L’impegno del gruppo March nel Paese, in ginocchio dalla fine della guerra civile: «Arte e cultura sono catalizzatori di cambiamento. Vi racconto come metto sul palcoscenici combattenti e nemici» Una vita da mediatrice, nel mezzo di conflitti interconfessionali e settari, usando l’arte – in particolare il teatro sociale – come strumento per far abbassare le […]

Transforming Conflict and Stigmatization through the Love and War Tour

Tripoli, Lebanon’s second-largest city, has long been plagued by social unrest and sectarian clashes between the communities of Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh. These conflicts and recurring clashes which have ended with a ceasefire in 2014, have not only resulted in physical damage but also contributed to the neglect and marginalization of some of […]

United for Tripoli : Football tournament

Sports for Reconciliation: Bridging Divides between Former Fighters and the Lebanese Armed Forces  Tripoli has long grappled with conflict, social unrest, and insecurity within its communities, particularly in Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh. Furthermore, socio-economic instability, gang activity, drug use, and the widespread presence of illegal weapons have intensified these challenges. This situation often […]

À Tripoli, des porteuses de paix bâtissent des ponts entre des quartiers rivaux

Les habitants des quartiers de Jabal Mohsen et Bab el-Tebbané se sont longtemps livrés à des affrontements sanglants les uns contre les autres. Désormais, ils se réunissent autour de projets civiques grâce au travail d’une association menée par un groupe de femmes. Un jour d’hiver à Tripoli, deuxième plus grande ville du Liban, des jeunes […]

Tripoli’s Syria Street: A symbol of Lebanon’s divisions

In the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, one road symbolises the complex relationship between Lebanon and neighbouring Syria: the aptly named Syria Street. With the outbreak of civil war in Syria in 2011, Tripoli street also become a conflict zone. On one side, the Alawite district sided with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Sunni neighbourhood […]

Il était une fois… Noël à Kan Ya Makan

Aux côtés des œuvres de l’artiste Yara Abou Farhat, la galerie Kan Ya Makan à Gemmayzé s’est parée des couleurs de Noël. Ce projet, issu de l’ONG March Lebanon, a présenté les designs, les vêtements et les meubles réalisés par de jeunes Tripolitains, autrefois ennemis, et qui racontent desormais, a travers leurs créations, l’histoire de […]

Kanyamakan Designs

Former fighters and adversaries become today’s artist and carpenters creating unique design items. Once upon a time, March brought together a group of former fighters and adversaries from Jabal Mohsen and Beb el Tebbeneh in Tripoli, Lebanon. They met on the former demarcation line called “Syria Street” and worked hand in hand to break down […]

Let’s Celebrate Together: Bridging Divides and Fostering Unity in Tripoli

“Let’s Celebrate Together!” This festival, organized by MARCH, brilliantly transformed the old demarcation lines of Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh into a vibrant space for celebration and unity! Stretching along Syria Street, between the neighborhoods of Tebbaneh and Jabal, this event was a collaborative effort with the Lebanese Army. The festival was launched with […]

Installing Solar Street lights in Collaboration with the Lebanese Armed Forces

In collaboration with the Lebanese Army, MARCH installed 380 solar street lights along the former demarcation lines of Beb El Tebbeneh and Jabal Mohsen, areas once marred by clashes and violence between the two communities. This initiative was conducted during a special event at Kahwetna and carried the powerful slogan: “To light a small candle […]