Former fighters and adversaries become today’s artist and carpenters creating unique design items. Once upon a time, March brought together a group of former fighters and adversaries from Jabal Mohsen and Beb el Tebbeneh in Tripoli, Lebanon. They met on the former demarcation line called “Syria Street” and worked hand in hand to break down […]
Tag: Art & Culture

Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, hosts several marginalized communities who lack access to equal and equitable opportunities. This has been the city’s biggest trait for a long time even before the start of the current economic crisis. In addition to the socio-economic inequalities, what characterizes this city is a fissure between the different communities. Most […]

Kahwetna: Where Coffee, Creativity, and Compassion Converge for Change
In the heart of Syria Street in Tripoli, there stands a remarkable landmark and hub known as Kahwetna. What was once a demarcation line, dividing the communities of Jabal Mohsen and Beb Al Tebbaneh, has now transformed into a symbol of unity and hope. Through the power of arts, culture, learning, and community service, Kahwetna […]

Promoting Freedom of Expression: The Challenging Censorship Program
In the year 2020, the Challenging Censorship program was launched by MARCH with a mission to combat censorship practices and promote freedom of expression in Lebanon. The program aims to empower youth in Tripoli and Beirut through capacity building and knowledge-sharing. With some activists leaving the country, the Challenging Censorship program reevaluated its approach from […]

THEATER FOR RECONCILIATION: Uniting Communities through Art and Culture
MARCH believes in the transformative power of art and culture as catalysts for positive change. This belief has inspired numerous initiatives such as the Theater for Reconciliation. Launched in 2015 in Tripoli, Lebanon, this groundbreaking program has successfully united and reconciled youth from diverse backgrounds through the medium of theater. By providing a safe and […]

ليبانون تابلويد – يحيى جابر في “تعارفوا”: لعبة البكاء والضحك في المأساة
تُعرض على خشبة مسرح دوار الشمس في الطيونة مسرحية “تعارفوا” كتابة وسيناريو واخراج يحيى جابر. الأربعاء ٠٢ فبراير ٢٠٢٢ أنطوان سلامه- تعارفوا عنوان مسرحية يحيى جابر “الكوميدية الطائفية” كتابة وإخراجا في سياق نشاطات جمعية مارتش يقودك العنوان حكما الى سورة الحجرات (آية ١٣) :” يا أيها الناس إنّا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا…” […]

27/01/2022|Léa Samara MARCH, une ONG libanaise qui œuvre pour le renforcement de la cohésion sociale au sein de certaines des zones de tensions au Liban a lancé en octobre 2021 la 5e édition de son programme « Théâtre pour la réconciliation ». Face à la polarisation et aux frictions croissantes, l’association a vu la nécessité de rassembler […]

« Taarafou » de Yehya Jaber : quand 18 jeunes Libanais redécouvrent sur scène ce qui les lie
À l’affiche du théâtre Tournesol ce soir et demain soir, une « comédie qui démine les tensions communautaires » produite par l’ONG March et interprétée par des jeunes issus de divers quartiers antagonistes de la capitale, qui racontent leurs propres vécus. « L’OLJ » les a rencontrés. OLJ / Zéna ZALZAL , le 01 février 2022 à 00h00 « Chez nous, on […]

Testimony: Meet Mostafa Latesh
“I used to think of weapons, now I think of brushes and paint rollers.” Mostafa Latesh Mustafa is a stateless former fighter who had been incarcerated for taking part in the clashes between Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh in Tripoli . After joining March’s rehabilitation program, Mustafa left his dark past behind, becoming a painter and […]

How This Lebanese Entrepreneur Is Promoting Deradicalization Through Culture, Art And Construction
Melissa Jun RowleyForbesWomenCEO & Founder, Warrior Love Productions, Creator, Activist, entrepreneur and certified professional mediator, Lea Baroudi, was raised in what she refers to as a “very non-sectarian household.” In Lebanon, a country still recovering from the aftermath of the Lebanese Civil War, which lasted from 1975 to 1990, and ruled by a political […]