Lea Baroudi, Co-Founder and General Coordinator of MARCH, an organization dedicated to peacebuilding and conflict resolution and youth empowerment in Lebanon, has been selected as one of the ten finalists for the 2023 Global Pluralism Award. The 2023 Global Pluralism Award recognizes the remarkable efforts of Mrs. Baroudi, a passionate peace mediator employing art, culture, […]
Tag: Beirut

Institutional Resilience and Collaborative Approach: MARCH’s Path to Social Cohesion In the pursuit of a stable and prosperous nation, institutional resilience stands as a cornerstone for both development and social harmony. Establishing a robust governmental infrastructure is vital to ensuring citizens’ access to essential services that contribute to a high quality of life. Yet, when […]

Transforming Communities: Empowering Women through Post-Conflict Peacebuilding In recent years, the humanitarian sector has embraced a gender-sensitive lens: recognizing the importance of women’s active participation in peacebuilding processes, particularly in post-conflict societies. MARCH’s work in Tripoli has been at the forefront of this transformative approach which showcases the power of women’s inclusion in rebuilding efforts […]

In 2016, MARCH inaugurated Kahwetna, on Syria street, the former demarcation line between Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh of a violent past. Kahwetna serves as a cultural café and hub which brought together former enemies and fighters in the aim of building bridges and friendships and fostering constructive dialogue. Today, Kahwetna has developed into the […]

Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, hosts several marginalized communities who lack access to equal and equitable opportunities. This has been the city’s biggest trait for a long time even before the start of the current economic crisis. In addition to the socio-economic inequalities, what characterizes this city is a fissure between the different communities. Most […]

THEATER FOR RECONCILIATION: Uniting Communities through Art and Culture
MARCH believes in the transformative power of art and culture as catalysts for positive change. This belief has inspired numerous initiatives such as the Theater for Reconciliation. Launched in 2015 in Tripoli, Lebanon, this groundbreaking program has successfully united and reconciled youth from diverse backgrounds through the medium of theater. By providing a safe and […]

Building Bridges in Beirut – Hona Beirut Community Project
The event celebrated cultural diversity through dance and music performances in memory of the late Mrs. Hedwig Waltmans-Molier, spouse of the former Ambassador of the Netherlands to Lebanon, Mr. Jan Waltmans. MARCH organized the “Getting Together – Youth Cultural Exchange” program to join youth from different areas of Lebanon, promote social cohesion and peace through […]

ليبانون تابلويد – يحيى جابر في “تعارفوا”: لعبة البكاء والضحك في المأساة
تُعرض على خشبة مسرح دوار الشمس في الطيونة مسرحية “تعارفوا” كتابة وسيناريو واخراج يحيى جابر. الأربعاء ٠٢ فبراير ٢٠٢٢ أنطوان سلامه- تعارفوا عنوان مسرحية يحيى جابر “الكوميدية الطائفية” كتابة وإخراجا في سياق نشاطات جمعية مارتش يقودك العنوان حكما الى سورة الحجرات (آية ١٣) :” يا أيها الناس إنّا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا…” […]

« Taarafou » de Yehya Jaber : quand 18 jeunes Libanais redécouvrent sur scène ce qui les lie
À l’affiche du théâtre Tournesol ce soir et demain soir, une « comédie qui démine les tensions communautaires » produite par l’ONG March et interprétée par des jeunes issus de divers quartiers antagonistes de la capitale, qui racontent leurs propres vécus. « L’OLJ » les a rencontrés. OLJ / Zéna ZALZAL , le 01 février 2022 à 00h00 « Chez nous, on […]