Kanyamakan Designs

Former fighters and adversaries become today’s artist and carpenters creating unique design items. Once upon a time, March brought together a group of former fighters and adversaries from Jabal Mohsen and Beb el Tebbeneh in Tripoli, Lebanon. They met on the former demarcation line called “Syria Street” and worked hand in hand to break down […]

الحدث – أحد متاريس خطوط التماس في طرابلس

في الشارع الفاصل بين باب التبانة وجبل محسن في طرابلس، أحد متاريس خطوط التماس سابقاً، نشأت “قهوتنا” كمساحة تلاق لشباب رفضوا الاقتتال وفاءً للزعماء… ومن أجل مدينة أكثر سلاماً وانفتاحاً، يجلسون معاً، يشربون القهوة، يدرسون، يعملون، يتحدّثون

Kahwetna: Where Coffee, Creativity, and Compassion Converge for Change

In the heart of Syria Street in Tripoli, there stands a remarkable landmark and hub known as Kahwetna. What was once a demarcation line, dividing the communities of Jabal Mohsen and Beb Al Tebbaneh, has now transformed into a symbol of unity and hope. Through the power of arts, culture, learning, and community service, Kahwetna […]

THEATER FOR RECONCILIATION: Uniting Communities through Art and Culture

MARCH believes in the transformative power of art and culture as catalysts for positive change. This belief has inspired numerous initiatives such as the Theater for Reconciliation. Launched in 2015 in Tripoli, Lebanon, this groundbreaking program has successfully united and reconciled youth from diverse backgrounds through the medium of theater. By providing a safe and […]

Testimony: Meet Mostafa Latesh

“I used to think of weapons, now I think of brushes and paint rollers.” Mostafa Latesh Mustafa is a stateless former fighter who had been incarcerated for taking part in the clashes between Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh in Tripoli . After joining March’s rehabilitation program, Mustafa left his dark past behind, becoming a painter  and […]

Arab News – À Tripoli, d’anciens combattants redonnent vie à des objets du mobilier

Coup d’envoi de l’exposition «Kan Ya Ma kan », (Il était une fois) au centre-ville de Beyrouth dans le cadre d’un projet lancé par l’association libanaise March Des produits intitulés « Histoires Inédites d’amour et de guerre » sont restaurés par d’anciens combattants ennemis aujourd’hui réconciliés, unis et réunis pour une même cause BEYROUTH : […]

Reconciliation through Rebuilding: The BEDCO Construction Initiative

Construction can refurbish and rebuild a city in more ways than one. Combining that with reintegration and rehabilitation, MARCH through BEDCO are uniting young people across communal divides. Together they’re rebuilding  a better future for themselves, supporting their communities and contributing to rebuilding the city of Beirut. “I wanted to help, my friends and I […]

The Albe 3ala Jare Initiative: Peacebuilding through Culinary Art.

As part of the Beb el Dahab conflict resolution and reintegration program, youth from Beb el Tebbeneh and Jabal Mohsen are learning, in the Kanyakaman hub’s community kitchen,  the art of food preservation.  Making and preserving food have always been an essential part of the lebanese culture and the well known hospitality of the lebanese […]

Feuding youths becoming change-makers

MARCH / THE BEB EL DAHAB INITIATIVE, TRIPOLI, LEBANON Young people formerly involved in violent conflicts receive training in the practical and emotional skills needed to rebuild their neighborhoods together. Presented by: Kinda Majari, Project Coordinator, MARCH Lebanon | Tripoli, Lebanon FEUDING NEIGHBORHOODS An Alawite and a Sunni neighborhood in Tripoli have been plagued by […]